Students: Friday is your last day to purchase your yearbook at the lowest price of the year! See Mr. Ollis in F-3 to get your yearbook for $65. The price will go up! You may also purchase online with a credit card at using the school code 19987.
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Parents: The DPH is conducting an immunization audit for all Juniors. If your student has not received a 2nd dose of the MCV4 vaccine please visit your physician or the health department in the next two weeks to get the vaccine. The vaccine is required for the state of GA. #1Rome
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
RHS Homecoming will be October 8th from 8-11 PM. Please see the flyer for more details. #1Rome
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
RHS Homecoming will be October 8th from 8-11 PM.  Please see the flyer for more details. #1Rome
**ATTENTION WOLVES** There will be NO SCHOOL: Sept. 5, Labor Day or Sept. 6, Flexible Learning Day Flexible Learning Days are days that students will not report to school and will instead complete lessons or tasks at home or off-campus. Go Wolves!!
over 2 years ago, Rome City Schools
Rome City Schools
Join the RHS Theatre Department for Super Saturday! Details can be found in the flyer. #LIKEAWOLF #1Rome
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Join the RHS Theatre Department for Super Saturday! Details can be found in the flyer.  #LIKEAWOLF #1Rome
***Attention Rome City Schools Families*** Please see the flyer below for details about our Free Parent English Classes!!! We hope to see you there to learn #likeawolf
over 2 years ago, Rome City Schools
***Attention Rome City Schools Families*** Please see the flyer below for details about our Free Parent English Classes!!! We hope to see you there to learn #likeawolf
Rome City Schools English Classes for Adults
Rome City Schools Called Board Meeting for August 22, 2022 ROME, GA— The Rome City Schools Board of Education will hold a called Board meeting on Monday, Aug. 22, at 12:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the budget in regular session and to enter executive session for the purpose of personnel, and other items. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 508 East Second Street, Rome, Georgia 30161. ###
over 2 years ago, Rome City Schools
Rome City Schools
Hey RHS students, families, and friends! You're invited to the Theatre's Fall Open House to learn all about the RHS Theatre program! Join us for info about exciting new opportunities! Follow the RHS Theatre on Facebook here:
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Open House
RHS yearbooks are on sale at the lowest price of the year until Sept. 2nd. Send check or cash to Mr. Ollis in room F-3 or purchase online at using the school code 19987.
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
This Friday, Aug 12 will be picture day for grades 9, 10, and 11. Students will be receiving picture day information from their Wolfpack teacher. Parents may prepay at this link -
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Interested in joining FBLA? See the flyer below! #1Rome #LIKEAWOLF
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
FBLA Flyer
RCS will offer parents English classes for those who are interested in learning English as a second language. Registration is open now. See the flyer below for more details. Classes start September 13th. #1Rome #LIKEAWOLF
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Parent English Classes (Spanish)
Parent English Classes (English)
Parents and Students: Please see the attached Welcome Back Letter. We are so excited to welcome our students, parents, and community members back for another great year at RHS! Please join us for our Back To School Extravaganza July 27th from 4-7 PM! Go Wolves! #1Rome #LIKEAWOLF
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
RHS Welcome Back Letter
Reminder: Our Back to School Extravaganza will be tomorrow, July 27th, from 4-7 PM. Chromebooks will be available for pickup! Freshmen will also have the opportunity to get their pictures made during the extravaganza for their school ID's! See the flyer below for more details!
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Chromebook Form
Chromebook Form
Please click on the link below to register for your parking space for the upcoming school year. Please make sure you are logged into your school account to complete the Google Form. Please read the directions for any details regarding parking. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Parking Flyer
Reminder: Parking Registration will go live in the morning at 6AM! The link will be on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Classroom. (Lifehack: Take pictures of your driver's license, car tag, and insurance card this afternoon so you don't have to in the morning.) #1Rome #LIKEAWOLF
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Parking Flyer
Please join us for our RHS Back to School Extravaganza on July 27th at Rome High School! We will be open from 4 PM - 7 PM for students to meet their teachers and tour the building! See the flyer for details. #1Rome #LIKEAWOLF
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
Please see the information below regarding senior pictures! Email or contact BPI if you have any questions. #1Rome #LIKEAWOLF
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
RHS BPI Senior Pictures
Please join us for our Fall AP Parent Night! This event will take place on Aug. 2nd at 6PM in the CCA! #1Rome #LIKEAWOLF
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
AP Parent Night
Please join us for our RHS Back to School Extravaganza on July 27th at Rome High School! We will be open from 4 PM - 7 PM for students to meet their teachers and tour the building! See the flyer for details. #1Rome #LIKEAWOLF
over 2 years ago, John Fricks
RHS: Back to School Extravaganza